Should you place your composting toilets indoors or outdoors?

Feb 20, 2023

Whether for indoor or outdoor use, composting toilets offer numerous advantages, which don’t need to be listed again!

Having a little memory lapse…?
Alright, a quick reminder is in order! šŸ™‚

The advantages of having composting toilets:

  • Water savings: 15m3/year/person to be precise!
  • It prevents the wastage of drinking water.
  • No need for preliminary construction work for installation.
  • No requirement for connections.
  • Ease of use.
  • They are silent.
  • Odorless, even in the summer!
  • Waste is valorized through composting.

In summary, they are economical and eco-friendly.

What could convince you to install indoor composting toilets?

  • Who hasn’t thought: “A second toilet in the house would be convenient?”
  • Who hasn’t been faced with a temporary increase in toilet usage?
  • During a family gathering, the visit of children, grandchildren, and their friends, your house has only one toilet like most homes, and the septic tank is overwhelmed. You need a solution quickly…
  • After long family discussions, the eco-friendly spirit dormant within you awakens, and you decide to change the toilet system…
  • At night, your bladder bothers you, and you don’t have a toilet nearby. Installing a flush toilet is a real problem, requiring water supply, drainage, and wall drilling: a real headache…
  • You’ve arranged an extra bedroom in an unused corner of your house or an outbuilding, but there’s no nearby toilet, and substantial expenses are looming…
  • You’re tinkering in your garage or spending a lot of time in your garden, yet you don’t want to cross the house to reach the toilet…
  • Your holiday home or guest rooms are underequipped with toilets, or you want to add an eco-friendly touch to your rentals…
  • You plan to build a cabin for renting or personal use, and the toilet problem arises…
  • In your camper, caravan, mobile home, or boat, you’re tired of chemical toilets that stink…
  • What artisan or construction worker hasn’t found that toilets are scarce, and it’s difficult to install conventional toilets in a van!!!

The solution: indoor composting toilets

In just 10 minutes, you can install eco-friendly composting toilets. This way, you manage your waste yourself and, as a bonus, fertilize your garden after composting.

You save money, as there’s no more water consumption and no need for any construction work. Depending on where you place them, a screen may be useful.

You can use these indoor composting toilets wherever you like; they are mobile and entirely autonomous.

The weight varies between 15 and 25 kg, depending on whether they are equipped with a sawdust reservoir or not.

We offer different models for this type of use in our store.

Composting toilets generate neither noise nor odors, but we still recommend ventilation in the room where they are installed, just like conventional toilets.

Toilette seĢ€che design d'inteĢrieur Penta I CAGĀ® Ć©cologique bois artisanal made in France
Composting toilet for indoor use: I CAGĀ® PREMIER

What about outdoor composting toilets?

Is your garden far from your house? Do you spend a lot of time by your pond and want to install toilets? Crossing your house when you’re wet after leaving your swimming pool is becoming increasingly problematic?

Are you a professional with an outdoor activity? Do you welcome the public and want to quickly comply with accessibility standards at a low cost?

Then outdoor composting toilets are for you!

Our wooden cabin composting toilet kits can be assembled in less than half an hour for the standard model and in an hour for the handicap model.

On the other hand, our stainless steel composting toilet is already assembled, so all you have to do is place it wherever you like.

Only a slight leveling of the ground is necessary to properly position your cabin. It is not mandatory to fix it to the ground. Its weight alone is enough to keep it standing.

However, if you live in an area with frequent strong winds, anchoring it to the ground is preferable.

The installation of composting toilets indoors or outdoors has convinced you!

Don’t forget to equip yourself with a composter!

Toilettes seĢ€ches compostage
The 2 sizes of iCag composters

You can’t dispose of the waste just anywhere; you must have a small piece of land to compost your waste, one square meter is sufficient.

Despite all our efforts, our eco-friendly composting toilets are not self-cleaning.

Although using a compostable bag facilitates emptying, the waste has a significant weight, and experience will determine the frequency of maintenance.

Moreover, as with conventional toilets, regular cleaning of the seat will make the composting toilets in your home more pleasant to use.

You also need to think about sourcing sawdust. It is possible to obtain it inexpensively from a sawmill near you.

Animal bedding that you find at a pet store or agricultural cooperative is also an option.

Furthermore, you will also find bags of sawdust in a unique packaging available in our store.

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